Full name : Ismailov Bakhtiyar Zhantievich
In office: Since October 2, 2017
Post:  Head of the Laboratory

The laboratory provides the following services:

Development of scientific and methodological foundations for the study of hydromineral resources and uranium;

Study of conditions for the formation of deposits of hydromineral resources and uranium;

Geological and economic assessment of extraction and use of hydromineral resources;

Assessment of the distribution and conditions of occurrence of hydromineral resources deposits;

assessment of resources and reserves of hydromineral resources;
Development of search criteria for hydromineral resources and uranium tools;

Identification of promising areas (sites) of industrial significance by hydrogeochemical methods;

Study of the features of geological and hydrogeological conditions of formation, patterns of distribution of hydromineral resources and uranium;

Monitoring of prospecting and exploration work on hydromineral resources;

Comprehensive study and development of groundwater for gold, scandium, rhenium, niobium, beryllium, tantalum, zirconium and other rare earth elements as strategic types of minerals;

Study of hydromineral resources and prospects for their use;

Development of technology for the extraction of iodine, bromine, rare, rare earth and other elements;

Development of a program for monitoring the quality of groundwater in the areas of development of uranium deposits;
Development and implementation of innovative methods for searching for deep-lying uranium deposits;

Issuance of hydrogeological conclusions on the possibility of identifying hydromineral resources;


Develops scientific and methodological foundations for the study of mineral, thermal and industrial waters, patterns of their distribution, formation and prospects for their use in order to increase the mineral resource base of Uzbekistan. Evaluation of the economic efficiency of prospecting and exploration work on identified promising sites and the possibility of complex extraction of industrially valuable components (I, Br, Au, Sc, Re, U) from industrial PV. Identification of promising areas of new types of mineral therapeutic waters.