Scientific activity

The main research directions of the Institute
Substantiation and implementation of priority areas of research, geoecological, thematic works and laboratory and technological research to assess the hydromineral potential of the republic, the allocation of promising areas of groundwater distribution with the assessment of forecast resources for the formulation of prospecting;
improvement of methods of forecasting, prospecting, evaluation and exploration of groundwater deposits;
substantiation and allocation on the basis of in-depth analysis, using advanced forecasting methods, of new promising areas for geological exploration of groundwater and monitoring of their implementation within the framework of approved exploration programs;
development of methods of geological and ecological research and mapping in areas of intensive technogenesis;
conducting monitoring of groundwater and state cadastres and state accounting of groundwater;
development of methods and principles of hydrogeological and engineering-geological research;
development of a rational complex of modern methods of prospecting, evaluation and exploration of groundwater deposits;
development of new technical means, development of technologies for underground water exploration and their rational use;
development of technologies for artificial replenishment of fresh groundwater reserves and their protection from pollution, processing of hydromineral raw materials and their use.
The main objectives of the Institute are:
participation in the development and formation of medium- and long-term programs for the development of exploration within its competence;
issuing, on the basis of a system analysis, a conclusion on the reliability and objectivity of forecast resources for specific objects of hydrogeological works;
approval of drilling decisions and issuance of permits for special water use.
participation in the development and formation of annual, medium-term and long-term exploration development programs within its competence;
develops and coordinates with Goskogeology priority areas of research, geoecological, thematic, experimental design and publishing works;
conducts work on the study of the formation and regularities of the placement of groundwater deposits on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
performs forecasting of groundwater deposits with an assessment of their forecast resources and develops scientific and methodological recommendations for the further direction of geological exploration;
based on in-depth analysis, using advanced forecasting methods, new promising areas for hydrogeological works are monitored for their implementation within the framework of approved exploration programs;
based on the system analysis, issues conclusions on the reliability and volume of forecast resources for GGR objects;
design and estimate documentation for the geological study of the subsurface, which is the basis for the right to use subsurface areas for geological study at the expense of the state budget;
reports on the results of research, experimental and methodological and other works carried out by the Institute;
The Academic Council is formed of scientists, highly qualified specialists and scientists of the Institute, which determines the directions of research, experimental and methodological, thematic and other works, considers design and estimate documentation, reports on the results of the work carried out and other issues related to the main activities of the Institute.
Carries out:
research in the field of reclamation hydrogeology, engineering Geology and hydrogeology;
groundwater monitoring, restoration and drilling of observation wells;
study of the process of pollution and depletion of water reserves;
study of hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of mineral deposits;
study of environmental conditions of cities and industrial zones;
determination of physical and mechanical properties of rocks;
conducting topogeodesic works and issuing maps;
provision of paid services to legal entities and individuals;
production of fertilizers for agriculture, cultivation of agricultural products;
bottling of mineral and drinking water;
Employees of the Institute have completed more than 360 scientific, thematic and geoecological works, more than 100 contractual works with external and internal organizations.
The main scientific achievements in recent years:
Methodological requirements for revaluation of operational reserves of fresh groundwater at existing water intakes in modern conditions of their formation have been developed (Nagevich P.P., Chebotareva O.V.).
The features of oil products seepage through loess and pebble rocks of the aeration zone in the field have been studied. (Abdullaev Sh.Kh., Abdullaev B.D.)
A method of directional electromagnetic sensing (NEMZ) has been developed. (Khamraev D.F.).
The current ecological state of the geological environment was assessed and geoecological maps of 1:1000000 scale were compiled for the Aral and Ferghana regions with the most intense anthropogenic load in the framework of the International Project on Central Eurasia and submitted for publication to the International Atlas of Central Eurasia with the participation of Russia, Kyrgyzstan and China. (Pinkhasov B.I., Pryadudenko T.I.)
The geophysical parameters and indicators characterizing the occurrence and quality of mineral groundwater of Ferghana, Kashkadarya, etc. are estimated. artesian basins based on the principle of typification of structural and tectonic conditions and system analysis in the distribution of parameters of the geophysical field. (Gribanov B.I., Abdullaev Sh.Kh.)
Geo-indicators have been identified to warn about the area danger from the UCP (landslide processes). (Minchenko V.D.)
Developed a methodology for monitoring the UCP (Minchenko V.D.).
Prepared for the publication of an Atlas consisting of 14 ecological and geological maps of major cities of Uzbekistan on a scale of 1:25000. (Zakhidova D.V., Semenova S.).
Requirements for hydrogeological and engineering-geological studies of solid mineral deposits at the stages of assessment and exploration have been developed (Zokirov M.)
A methodology for conducting State monitoring of groundwater has been developed (Borisov V.A.).
Changes in the macro- and micro–component composition of the groundwater of the Bukhara – Karshi Artesian basin in connection with the long-term and intensive exploitation of oil fields are estimated (Bakiyev S.A.).
Preparation of a feasibility study of conditions for the extraction of iodine from industrial groundwater and calculation of their reserves at the Kruk site. (Bakiev S.A.)
The territorial and localized features of the natural low water sources of the formation of groundwater deposits are evaluated. (Kovalev Yu.S.).
The requirements for the methodology of drawing up a medium-scale map of groundwater pollution have been developed. (Abdullaev B.D.).
Methodological manuals on the assessment of hydrogeological parameters of aquifers on a PC have been compiled. (Gribanov B.I.).