INSTITUTI GIDROLOGIYA va MUHANDISLIK GEOLOGIYASI 1960 yildan buyon ta‘lim va ilmiy faoliyat bilan shug‘illanib kelmoqda Institut haqida Faoliyat Laboratoriyalar INSTITUT MISSIYASI Inson kapitalini rivojlantirish va aholi turmushini yaxshilash yoʻlida xalqaro ilmiy-tadqiqot va ishlanmalar Yer osti suv resurslarining samarali yo’nalishlarini asoslash va miqdoriy baholash Texnogen ta’sir oqibatida gidrogeologik va muhandislik-geologik sharoitlarning o’zgarishini kuzatish, nazorat qilish va prognozlash Batafsil Institutning funksiya va vazifalari Intensiv texnogenez hududlarida geologik-ekologik tadqiqotlar va xaritalash ishlarini olib borish Intensiv texnogenez hududlarida geologik-ekologik tadqiqotlar va xaritalash ishlarini olib borish Intensiv texnogenez hududlarida geologik-ekologik tadqiqotlar va xaritalash ishlarini olib borish Batafsil



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DEVELOPS: A set of ongoing requests on topics of interest to customers.

PERFORMS: Information support on permanent requests; one-time searches, targeted queries; orders for primary sources on the IBA, translations of publications from foreign languages, photocopying of scientific and technical literature, information searches for scientific and technical documentation in the field of new equipment and technology, orders for the purchase of technical documentation.

POSESSES: Reference and information fund with a depth of 12 – 15 years in the areas of hydrogeology, engineering geology, hydrogeophysics, etc., a card file of scientific and technical documentation, IR, translations, addresses.

OFFERS: Comprehensive information support on issues of hydrogeology, engineering geology, hydrogeophysics, etc.

The activity

The main research directions of the Institute:

  • Substantiation and implementation of priority areas of research, geoecological, thematic works and laboratory and technological research to assess the hydromineral potential of the republic, the allocation of promising areas of groundwater distribution with the assessment of forecast resources for the formulation of prospecting;
  • Improvement of methods of forecasting, prospecting, evaluation and exploration of groundwater deposits;
  • Substantiation and allocation on the basis of in-depth analysis, using advanced forecasting methods, of new promising areas for geological exploration of groundwater and monitoring of their implementation within the framework of approved exploration programs;

The Institute carries out:

  • study and use of water resources;
  • study and use of hydromineral resources;
  • research in the field of reclamation hydrogeology;
  • study of the processes of pollution and depletion of water reserves;
  • research in the field of engineering geodynamics;
  • Cstudy of hydrogeological and engineering-geological conditions of mineral deposits;
  • development of underground water exploration technologies and their rational use;
The institute organizes training courses in the following areas:
  • graphic packages of the CorelDRAW family and Adobe Photoshop;
  • geoinformation graphical databases — MapInfo and ArcGIS 10.3

The courses are held in specialized classes, in groups of up to 10 people in the form of theoretical and practical classes.

A separate computer for each student is provided with course presentation materials and educational programs.


Staff statistics




PhD students


Candidates of Science



Useful links