Geochemical services

Geochemical services

Services are offered aimed at studying the chemical composition of soils, as well as the chemical composition of natural, waste, mineral and drinking water. The institute has modern laboratory equipment.

  • Determination of the chemical composition of soils (abbreviated chemical analysis, full chemical analysis);
  •  Determination of the chemical composition of natural, waste, mineral and drinking waters (abbreviated chemical analysis, full chemical analysis);
  •  Determination of heavy metals on ISP-MS in water and soil;
  • Determination of the chemical composition of salts and brine;
  • Determination of the physical and mechanical properties of cohesive soils and rocks:
  • I. For cohesive soils: density, bulk density, particle size distribution of gravel and pebble deposits and dispersed soils, humidity, hygroscopic humidity, plasticity, maximum molecular humidity, swelling, soaking, compression tests, filtration coefficient, shear tests of soils in a natural state with and without preliminary compaction, shear tests of soils in a water-saturated state with and without preliminary compaction.
  • II. For rock types: density, bulk density, water absorption, natural moisture content, porosity, ultimate tensile strength, ultimate compressive strength in natural state, angle of internal friction, adhesion, ultimate compressive strength in water-saturated state, softening coefficient, strength coefficient according to Protodyakonov.